
Notifications received by website are answered and filed by our ethicsline experts. They are reported to the authorized person (s) determined by your company on the same day. Feedback from the companies can be communicated to the notifier, too. Therefore, a continuous and reliable communication channel is formed. Notification forms have a flexible structure that can be customized according to the company's ethics procedures.

In addition to daily reporting, Remed Ethicsline follows the status of all notifications with you and supports your ethics process with monthly summary reporting and annual benchmark reports.

As a completely independent organization, we take all possible measures and manage the process in an extremely sensitive manner in order to ensure the confidentiality of both the organization and employees during the use of Ethicsline. We do not share any personal information or information that may reveal your identity with third parties without the consent of the notifier. Strict application of privacy principles encourages information sharing without worries.

Remed Ethicsline's all business processes are GDPR compliant. We are an ISO/IEC 27001: 2013 and ISO 9001: 2015 certified organization.