Receiving Notifications

Any situation that is deemed as a breach to corporate ethics principles, professional standards and regulations or law can be reported through Ethicsline. Examples may vary, but some of the most common situations are:

  • Bribery and corruption
  • Violation of customer or corporate confidentiality
  • Theft
  • Psychological and physical harassment at work
  • Conflict of interest
  • Forgery of documents
  • Insider Trading
  • Non-compliance with company’s ethics principles
  • Discrimination
  • Inappropriate gifts
  • Political activities at work
  • Unfair competition
  • Using corporate resources for personal interests
  • Fraudulent invoicing
  • Fake expense statements

Access Channels

Web Access

• By logging into this website (  with company specific password, notifications can be made easily.
• Corporate business principles and FAQ’s can be added to this field.
• Notification Tracking allows the notifier to follow up his/her case